Hollywood Smile - My Doctor

Hollywood Smile

Hollywood Smile is a smiling aesthetic that allows you to have a smile inspired by the smiles of Hollywood stars. This smile is designed to create a perfect harmony between the lips and teeth. Hollywood smiles make a distinct difference between men and women. Thanks to the intervention in the appearance of their teeth and teeth, a new smile is designed. You can get an impressive Hollywood smile with a successful procedure at My Doctor.

What is Hollywood Smile?

It is a kind of smile design that has influenced the whole world in recent years and has become a trend. It’s everyone’s dream to meet the smiles of Hollywood stars who always admire them with attentive and confident smiles. Everyone can have this natural and sincere smile they have with the Hollywood smile.
The Hollywood smile design is made for a natural white, attractive and heartfelt smile. Looking at Hollywood smiles.

  • The upper front teeth should look proper and should not contain fillings. The top two middle teeth should be ahead and more pronounced than the other teeth.
  • During the smile, all the teeth should appear, including the first big few females at the top.
  • The lower cut teeth should also look the same.
  • The upper teeth should appear as much as 2 mm when smiling.
  • When smiling, the lips should be opened symmetrically.
  • The width of the lips should be at least half the face width.

What Are the Benefits of Hollywood Smiles?

  • You will get a more aesthetic and beautiful smile.
  • You will have natural white and symmetrical teeth.
  • Your teeth and teeth look healthier.
  • Treatment of existing dental diseases.
  • You get a younger and more dynamic image.
  • There is no problem with coloring and coloring.
  • The gaps between the teeth are closed.

How to make a Hollywood smile in Turkey?

It is important to understand the aesthetic expectations of the patient before designing a Hollywood smile in Turkey. The patient’s needs should be determined. First measurements should be taken from the patient’s mouth. This is a special design for the person.

Each patient has its own tooth, cheek and mouth structure. Therefore, pre-operative measurements should be taken and the parts that disturb the patient’s problems and laughter are identified on the prepared models. After working on these details, business plans are made.

When Hollywood smiles are designed in Turkey, these plans are taken in the mouth and face photos. These images are measured using special programs. This is calculated in a hundred forms. The image that will be obtained after treatment is partially manifested in this way and presented to the patient. If there are parts that the patient wants to change, these parts are processed. This temporary study should be as realistic as the permanent Hollywood smile.

If you have a Hollywood smile, it should be done. If the teeth need orthodontic treatment, the first procedure must be performed before this procedure, the level disorders in the tooth are regulated. Implants and surgical procedures are performed if necessary.

Porcelain laminate applications usually do not wear the teeth at all or have minimal levels of wear. If porcelain or zirconium applications are performed, the patient will be reconsidered during the stages.

What is Hollywood Smile?
The best Hollywood Smile works in Turkey. These products, impressive with their aesthetic appearance, are the easiest solution. There are a lot of Hollywood smiles in Istanbul. We can cover these covers in this way.

The porcelain covers
When carving, the teeth are carved up to 5 mm. A design is made as similar as possible to the real tooth. Thus, a harmonious appearance is obtained. When a Hollywood smile is made in Turkey, a layer of tooth mill must be removed. Otherwise, there will be a rough and unnatural appearance. The existing teeth must be tainted in this practice.

The Lumineers
The Hollywood Smile in Istanbul. It can be done without the need to brush the tooth. It has a semi-fine structure and is applied directly to the tooth. It is preferable for those who want to use their existing teeth with the existing structure.

The Hollywood Smile in Turkey

Number of sessions: 2-3
Method of Anesthesia: Local
Sensitivity: No
Time to return to work: immediately
Duration: 6 to 10 years
Immediate recovery: Immediately

Frequently Asked Questions

The Hollywood smile is so long-lasting. This takes about 6-10 years. After making a Hollywood smile in Turkey, you should not neglect tooth hygiene and mouth care. Even if the coatings do not hold stains, this is important to protect against tooth diseases. Thus, Hollywood smile can extend the life of your teeth.

There are many factors that determine the cost of a Hollywood smile in Istanbul. One of them is the clinic. As the popularity and reliability of the dental clinic increases, the costs can rise. But even the most expensive Hollywood smile app in Turkey means a more affordable Hollywood smile application than abroad. Treatment is one of the factors that plays a role in the cost. You can get price information by contacting my doctor.

The first factor that stands out among the advantages of Hollywood smiles is that the cost is cheaper than in other countries. In addition to this, the implementation of experienced doctors and the latest technology applications in this field is one of the approaches that have made Turkey popular with the Hollywood smile.

There are so many dentists and dental clinics that have signed under successful practices in Turkey. Turkey, one of the leading countries in dental tourism, has become a reliable country in this regard.

Taking into account the hygiene of the clinic, the studies carried out and the experience of the dentist, it is possible to choose a dental clinic for a Hollywood smile in Istanbul. Especially prior post-patient references and other patient reviews will be a decisive factor in the choice.